Conjugate Direction and its Properties

Let \( S:\vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface. Also let \( \Gamma \) and \( \Gamma' \) be tangent plane at \( P\) and \(Q\) respectively in which \( \Gamma \cup \Gamma' =l \). Now, limiting form of directions \(PQ\) and \(l\) as\(Q \to P\), are called conjugate directions at P. Conjugate direction is a pair of directions, one of which is direction of curve and other is direction of characteristic line of tangent planes. Conjugate directions are direction of a pair of curves on a surface whose principal normal are same.

Equation of Conjugate Directions

Let \( S:\vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface in which let \(P( u,v )\) and \( Q( u+du,v+dv )\) are two neighboring points such that
\(\overrightarrow{OP}=\vec{r}, \overrightarrow{OQ}=\vec{r}+d\vec{r}\)
Also, consider tangent plane \( \Gamma \) and \( \Gamma' \) respectively with \( \Gamma \cup \Gamma' =l \). Let R be a point on \(l\) such that
\(\overrightarrow{OR}=\vec{r}+\delta \vec{r}\)
\( \overrightarrow{PR}=\overrightarrow{OR}-\overrightarrow{OP}\)
\( \overrightarrow{PR}=\delta \vec{r}\)
\( \overrightarrow{PR}=\vec{r}_1 \delta u+\vec{r}_2 \delta v \)
Assume \( \vec{N}\) and \( \vec{N}+d\vec{N}\) be surface normal at P and Q respectively.Then,
\( \vec{N} \cdot \overrightarrow{PR}=0\) and\(( \vec{N}+d \vec{N} ) \cdot \overrightarrow{PR}=0\)
because \( \overrightarrow{PR}\) lies on tangent planes
or\( d \vec{N} \cdot \overrightarrow{PR}=0\)
or\(( \vec{N}_1 du+ \vec{N}_2 dv ) \cdot ( \vec{r}_1 \delta u+\vec{r}_2 \delta v )=0\)
or\(L du\delta u+M( du\delta v+\delta udv )+Ndv\delta v=0\)
This is equation of conjugate directions.
Let \(( l,m )\) and \(( l',m' )\) be two directions on a surface, then \(( l,m )\) and \(( l',m' )\) will be conjugate if and only if
\( Lll'+M( lm'+l'm )+Nmm'=0\)

Condition to be Conjugate Direction

Let \( S:\vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface and \( Pdu^2+2Qdudv+Rdv^2=0\) be double family of curves, then
\(P( \frac{du}{dv} )^2+2Q \frac{du}{dv}+R=0\) (i)
If \( \frac{l}{m}\) and \( \frac{l'}{m'}\) be roots given by (i), then
\( \frac{l}{m}+\frac{l'}{m'}=-\frac{2Q}{P}\) and \(\frac{l}{m}\frac{l'}{m'}=\frac{R}{P}\)
Now, two directions given by (i) will be conjugate if
\( L \frac{l}{m}\frac{l'}{m'}+M( \frac{l}{m}+\frac{l'}{m'} )+N=0\)
or\(L\frac{R}{P}+M( -\frac{2Q}{P} )+N=0\)

An important result:

The necessary and sufficient condition for parametric curves to have conjugate direction is \(M=0\)
Let \( \vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface. Now, equation of parametric curves is
\(dudv=0\) (i)
Also, equation of double family of curves is
\(Pdu^2+2Qdudv+Rdv^2=0\) (ii)
Now, comparing (i) and (ii), we get
\(P=R=0,Q \ne 0\)
Now, necessary and sufficient condition for parametric curves to have conjugate direction is
This completes the proof.

Show that parametric curves of general surface of revolution have conjugate directions.

The equation of general surface of revolution is
\(\vec{r}=( u \cos v,u \sin v,f( u ) )\) (i)
The fundamental coefficients are
Thus, parametric curves are conjugate.

Principal directions are orthogonal conjugate

Let \( \vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface and \(( du,dv )\) be principal direction. Then differential equation of principal direction is
\(( EM-FL )du^2+( EN-GL )dudv+( FN-GM )dv^2=0\) (i)
Also, equation of double family of curves is
\(Pdu^2+2Qdudv+Rdv^2=0\) (ii)
Now, comparing (i) and (ii), we get
\(( EM-FL )=P,( EN-GL )=2Q,( FN-GM )=R\)
Here, condition for orthogonal is
= \(E( FN-GM )-F( EN-GL )+G( EM-FL )\)
Here, condition for conjugate is
Hence, principal directions are orthogonal conjugate
This completes the proof.

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