Let \( S:\vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface. Then curves on the surface whose directions are self-conjugate, is called asymptotic lines. The direction of asymptotic lines are called asymptotic direction.
Equation of Asymptotic lines
Let \( S:\vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface. If \(( du,dv )\) and \(( \delta u,\delta v )\) be conjugate direction, then\(Ldu\delta u+M( du\delta v+\delta udv )+N\delta udv=0\)
In asymptotic line, the directions \(( du,dv )\) and \(( \delta u,\delta v )\) are self-conjugate.
or\(( du,dv )=( \delta u,\delta v )\)
Hence, differential equation of asymptotic line is
This completes the proof.
Prove that normal curvature in a direction perpendicular to an asymptotic line is twice the mean curvature.
SolutionLet \( S:\vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface and C be an asymptotic line on it. Then, by Euler’s theorem, normal curvature for asymptotic line is
\(\kappa _a \cos ^2 \psi + \kappa _b \sin ^2 \psi =0\) [In asymptotic line , \(\kappa_n =0\) (i)
Let, \(C_1\) be a normal section perpendicular to asymptotic line, then
\(\kappa _a \cos ^2 (90+\psi) + \kappa _b \sin ^2 (90+\psi)=\kappa_n\)
or\(\kappa _a \sin ^2\psi +\kappa_b \cos ^2 \psi =\kappa_n\) (ii)
Adding (i) and (ii), we get
\(\kappa_n=\kappa _a+\kappa _b\)
or\(\kappa_n =2( \frac{\kappa _a+\kappa _b}{2} )\)
or\(\kappa_n=2 \mu \)
This completes the solution.
Show that asymptotic lines of general surface of revolution is \(f_{11}du^2+uf_1dv^2=0\)
SolutionLet \( \vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be general surface of revolution, then position of arbitrary point on the surface is
\(\vec{r}=( u \cos v,u \sin v,f( u ) ) \)
Also, fundamental coefficients of the surface are
\(L=\frac{u f_{11} }{H},M=0,N=\frac{u^2f_1}{H},H^2=u^2( 1+f_1^2 )\)
Now, the differential equation of asymptotic lines is
This completes the proof.
Necessary and sufficient condition for \( \vec{r}=\vec{r}( s )\) on \( \vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be asymptotic line is \( d\vec{N} \cdot d\vec{r}=0\)
ProofLet \( \vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface then
Now, necessary and sufficient condition for the curve to be asymptotic is
\(( \vec{N}_1du+\vec{N}_2dv ) \cdot (\vec{r}_1du+\vec{r}_2dv ) =0\)
\(d \vec{N} \cdot d\vec{r}=0\)
This completes the proof.
Condition for Asymptotic Lines to be Orthogonal
Let \( \vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface and C be an asymptotic line on it. Then equation of asymptotic line is\(Ldu^2+2Mdudv+Ndv^2=0\) (i)
Also, equation of double family of curves on the surface is
\(Pdu^2+2Qdudv+Rdv^2=0\) (ii)
Comparing (i) with (ii), we get
Now, condition for the asymptotic line to be orthogonal is
This completes the proof.
Show that asymptotic directions are orthogonal if and only if the surface is minimal.
SolutionLet \( \vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface. Assume that the surface is minimal. Then,
\(\mu =0\)
This shows that, asymptotic directions are orthogonal.
The necessary and sufficient condition for parametric curves to be asymptotic lines is \( L=N=0,M \ne 0\)
ProofLet \(\vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface and C be an asymptotic line on it. Then differential equation of asymptotic line is
\(Ldu^2+2Mdudv+Ndv^2=0\) (i)
Also, equation of parametric curves on the surface is
\(dudv=0\) (ii)
Now, necessary and sufficient condition for parametric curves to be asymptotic lines is, (i) and (ii) must be identical
\(L=0,M \ne 0,N=0\)
This completes the proof.
Show that parametric curves of right helicoids are asymptotic lines.
SolutionThe position of arbitrary point on the right helicoids is
\(\vec{r}=( ucosv,usinv,cv )\) (i)
Then, the fundamental coefficients of the surface is
In this case, we have
Hence, on right helicoids, the parametric curves are asymptotic lines.
Show that osculating plane on asymptotic line is tangent plane to the surface.
ProofLet \( \vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\)be a surface and C be an asymptotic line on it.
equation of osculating plane on asymptotic line is
\( ( R-\vec{r} )\vec{b}=0\) (i)
Also, equation of tangent plane to the surface is
\( ( R-\vec{r} )\vec{N}=0\) (ii)
\( \vec{N}.\vec{t}=0\) (iii)
Differentiating of (i) w. r. to. s, we get
\(\frac{d\vec{N}}{ds}.\vec{t} +\vec{N}.\kappa \vec{N}=0\)
or \(\frac{d\vec{N}}{ds}.\frac{d\vec{r}}{ds} +\vec{N}.\kappa \vec{N}=0\)
In asymptotic line
\( \frac{d\vec{N}}{ds}.\frac{d\vec{r}}{ds}=0 \)
Thus, we have
\(\frac{d\vec{N}}{ds}.\frac{d\vec{r}}{ds} +\vec{N}.\kappa \vec{N}=0\)
or \(\vec{N}.\kappa \vec{N}=0\)
or \( \vec{N}.\vec{N} =0 \) (iv)
From (iii) and (iv), we can write
\( \vec{N}=\vec{b} \)
Thus, (i) and (ii), are same.
This completes the proof.
Show that all straight lines on a surface are asymptotic lines.
SolutionLet \( \vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface and C be a curve on it.
Then, C is trraight line if and only if
\( \kappa =0 \) (i)
\( \vec{N} \vec{t}=0 \) (ii)
Differentiating of (ii) w. r. to. s, we get
\(\frac{d\vec{N}}{ds}.\vec{t} +\vec{N}.\kappa \vec{N}=0\)
or \(\frac{d\vec{N}}{ds}.\frac{d\vec{r}}{ds} +\vec{N}.\kappa \vec{N}=0\)
In straight line
\( \kappa =0 \)
Thus, we have
\(\frac{d\vec{N}}{ds}.\frac{d\vec{r}}{ds} +\vec{N}.\kappa \vec{N}=0\)
or \(\frac{d\vec{N}}{ds}.\frac{d\vec{r}}{ds} =0\)
or \(d\vec{N}. d\vec{r} =0\)
or \((\vec{N}_1 du+\vec{N}_2 dv). (\vec{r}_1 du+\vec{r}_2 dv)=0\)
or \(Ldu^2+2Mdudv+Ndv^2=0\)
This is equation of asymptotic line.
Thus, all straight lines on a surface are asymptotic lines.
Curvature and Torsions of Asymptotic Lines
Let \( \vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface and \(\vec{r}=\vec{r}( s )\) be asymptotic line on it.Then expression of curvature for asymptotic line C is
\( \vec{t}'=\kappa \vec{N}\)
Operating dot product on both side by \(\vec{N} \), we get
\(\kappa =\vec{t}'.\vec{N}\)
or \(\kappa =\vec{t}'.(\vec{b}\times \vec{t} )\)
or \(\kappa =[ \vec{t}',\vec{b},\vec{t} ]\)
or \(\kappa =[ \vec{t},\vec{t}',\vec{b} ]\)
For asymptotic line, we have
\( \vec{N}=\vec{b}\).v Thus, the curvature of asymptotic line is,
\( \kappa =[ \vec{t},\vec{t}',\vec{N} ]\)
Next, the torsion of asymptotic line C is
\( \vec{b}'=-\tau \vec{N} \)
Operating dot product on both side by \(\vec{N}\), we get
\( \tau =-\vec{b}'.\vec{N}\)
or \( \tau =-\vec{b}'.( \vec{b}\times \vec{t} )\)
or \( \tau =-[ \vec{b}',\vec{b},\vec{t} ]\)
or \( \tau =[ \vec{b},\vec{b}',\vec{t} ]\)
For asymptotic line, we have
\( \vec{N}=\vec{b}\).
Thus, torsion of asymptotic line is,
\(\tau =[ \vec{N},\vec{N}',\vec{t}]\)
Hence, curvature and torsion of asymptotic lines are
\( \kappa =[ \vec{t},\vec{t}',\vec{N} ]\) and \(\tau =[ \vec{N},\vec{N}',\vec{t}]\)
Theorems of Beltrami and Ennper
Torsion of asymptotic line is \( \tau =\pm \sqrt{-K}\), where K is the Gaussian Curvature.Proof
Let \( \vec{r}=\vec{r}( u,v )\) be a surface and \( \vec{r}=\vec{r}( s )\) be asymptotic line on it.
Now, torsion of C is
\(\tau =[ \vec{N},\vec{N}',\vec{t}]\)
or \(\tau =[ \vec{N},d\vec{N},d\vec{r}] \frac{1}{ds^2}\)
or \( \tau =\{ \vec{N}.(\vec{N}_1 du+\vec{N}_2 dv) \times (\vec{r}_1 du+\vec{r}_2 dv) \} \frac{1}{ds^2} \)
or \( \tau =\{[\vec{N},\vec{N}_1, \vec{r}_1] du^2 + [\vec{N},\vec{N}_1, \vec{r}_2]dudv+[\vec{N},\vec{N}_2, \vec{r}_1] dudv +[\vec{N},\vec{N}_2, \vec{r}_2] dv^2 \} \frac{1}{ds^2} \)
or \( \tau =[\vec{N},\vec{N}_1, \vec{r}_1] (\frac{du}{ds})^2 + [\vec{N},\vec{N}_1, \vec{r}_2]\frac{du}{ds}\frac{dv}{ds}+[\vec{N},\vec{N}_2, \vec{r}_1] dudv+[\vec{N},\vec{N}_2, \vec{r}_2] (\frac{dv}{ds})^2 \)
or \( \tau =\frac{EM-FL}{H} (\frac{du}{ds})^2 +( \frac{FM-GL}{H}+\frac{EN-FM}{H} )\frac{du}{ds}\frac{dv}{ds}+\frac{FN-GM}{H}(\frac{dv}{ds})^2\)
Without loss of generality, we take asymptotic line along parametric curve, then
\( L=0,N=0,M \ne 0\)
\( K=\frac{LN-M^2}{H^2}=-\frac{M^2}{H^2}\)
or \(\frac{{{M}^2}}{{{H}^2}}=-K \)
or \(\frac{M}{H}=\sqrt{-K}\) (A)
Next, torsion of asymptotic line is
\( \tau =\frac{EM}{H}(\frac{du}{ds})^2 +\frac{-GM}{H}(\frac{dv}{ds})^2=\frac{M}{H}( E (\frac{du}{ds})^2- G(\frac{dv}{ds})^2 )\)
- Case 1: For asymptotic line along \( v\) curve, we have \(du=0\)
\( \tau =-\frac{M}{H} G(\frac{dv}{ds})^2\)
\( Edu^2+2Fdudv+Gdv^2=ds^2\)
or \( Gdv^2=ds^2\)
or \( G(\frac{dv}{ds})^2=1\)
\( \tau =-\frac{M}{H}\) (B)
- Case 2: For asymptotic line along \( u \) curve, we have \(dv=0\)
\( \tau =\frac{M}{H} E (\frac{du}{ds})^2 \)
\( Edu^2+2Fdudv+Gdv^2=ds^2\)
or \( Edu^2=ds^2\)
or \( E(\frac{du}{ds})^2=1\)
\( \tau =\frac{M}{H}\) (C)
\( \tau= \pm\frac{M}{H} \) (D)
Using (A), we get,
\( \tau= \pm \sqrt{-K} \)
This completes the proof.
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