Local non-intrinsic property of surface

Local non-intrinsic property of surface
In differential geometry, the study of surfaces involves understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic proper…
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Weingarten equations

Weingarten equations
Weingarten equations Weingarten equations is about derivative of the unit normal vector \( \vec{N…
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Double family of curves

Double family of curves
Double family of curves Let S: \(\vec{r}=\vec{r}(u,v) \) be a surface then the quadratic differential…
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Orthogonal trajectories

Orthogonal trajectories
Orthogonal trajectories Let S: \(\vec{r}=\vec{r}(u,v) \) be a surface with family of curves …
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Family of Curves

Family of Curves
Family of Curves Let S: \(\vec{r}=\vec{r}(u,v)\) be a surface and \( \phi(u,v)=c\) (i) be a singl…
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Direction coefficients and related results

Direction coefficients and related results
Let S:\(\vec{r}=\vec{r}(u,v)\) be a surface. Then tangent line to the surface is described b…
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Fundamental Cofficients of Surface

Fundamental Cofficients of Surface
Some Common Example of Surface Plane surface Plane …
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Fundamental Forms of Surface

Fundamental Forms of Surface
We recall that, space curve is uniquely determined by two local invariant quantities: curvature and torsion.Similarly, surface …
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