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Standard Equation of Parabola

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  1. Find the equation of parabola
    1. vertex at (0,0) focus at (4,0)

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    2. vertex at (-1,3) focus at (5,3)

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    3. vertex at (2,3) focus at (2,5)

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    4. vertex at (1,2) focus at (0,2)

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    5. vertex at (-5,-3) and end of the latus rectum (-1,5) and (-1,-11)

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    6. point of intersection of directrix and axis is at (0,4) and focus at (6,4)

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  2. Find the equation of parabola
    1. vertex at (-1,2) directrix at x=4

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    2. vertex at (-1,1) directrix at y=3

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    3. focus at (1,2) directrix at x=-3

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    4. focus at (1,-2) directrix at y=-4

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    5. focus at (-3,4) directrix at 2x-y+5=0

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  3. Given below are the equation of parabola. Find the coordimtes of the focus, the vertex, the equation of the directrix, the length of the latus rectum, and the equation of the axis.
    1. \(y^2=16x\)

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    2. \(x^2=12y\)

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    3. \((y-2)^2=4x-12\)

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    4. \((x+1)^2+8y-16=0\)

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    5. \(y^2+4x+8=0\)

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    6. \(x^2=2y+6\)

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    7. \(y^2=6y-12x+45\)

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    8. \(x^2=4x-3y+5\)

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    1. Find the point on the prabola \(y^2=8x\) at which the ordinate is double the abscissa

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    2. Find the point on the prabola \(x^2=12y\) at which the abscissa is twice the ordinate

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    1. Find the equation of parabola with vertex at the origin, axis parallel to x-axis, and passing through the point (1,-3)

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    2. Find the equation of parabola with focul width 16, axis parallel to x-axis, and passing through the points (3,7) and (3,-1)

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    3. What is the equation of the parabola whose length of latus recutus is 16, axis along the line parallel to x-axis passing through points (3,3) and (3,-2)?

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    4. Find the equation of parabola with axis parallel to y-axis, length of latus rectum 8 and passing through the points (2,1) and (-2,1)

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  4. The equation of the parabola is \(y^2=16x\). Find the coordinate of the ends of the latus rectum. Also find the area of the triangle formed by joining the ends the the latus rectum and the vertex of the parabola.

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  5. A double ordinate of the parabola is \(y^2=2ax\) is of length 4a. Prove that the line joining the vertex to its ends are at right angles.

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  6. Find the equation of the circle circumscribing the segment of the parabola \(y^2=8x\) cut off by the latus rectum of the parabola

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  7. Find the equation of the circle circumscribing the segment of the parabola \(y^2=4ax\) cut off by the latus rectum of the parabola

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