SEE Model Set 1 (2080)_MEAN

Subject Code: 1031 Set:1[MEAN]


Subject: C. Maths
Time: 3 hours Full Marks:75

दिइएका निर्देशनका आधारमा आफ्नै शैलीमा सिर्जनात्मक उत्तर दिनुहोस् ।
सबै प्रश्नहरुको उत्तर दिनुहोस् (Answer all the questions)

  1. Eight blood types are shown by the eight regions of the Venn diagram shown here. Each circle represents one of three antigens: A, B or Rh. If A and B are both absent, the blood type is O. If Rh is present, the blood type is positive (+); otherwise, it is negative (-). The following table represents the blood types of 150 people.

    AntigensNumber of people
    A and B12
    A and Rh46
    B and Rh17
    A and B and Rh 9
    1. A,B र Rh ले क्रमश: A, B र Rh एन्टीजेनलाई जनाउँछ भने सबै समुहलाई गणनात्मकता सङ्केतमा लेख्नुहोस् ।
      If A,B and Rh denote the set of people who have A, B र Rh Antigens in their blood respectively, write the cardinality notation of people for all groups.[1K]
    2. मााथिको जानकारीलाई भेनचित्रमा प्रस्तुत गर्नुहोस् ।
      Show the above information in a Venn diagram. [1U]
    3. कति जना मानिसहरुमा ओ नेगेटिभ रगत समुह रहेछन् ? गणना गर्नुहोस् ।
      How many people are having O negative blood? Calculate it. [3A]
    4. रगत प्राप्त गर्दा, प्राप्तकर्तासँग दाताको सबै एन्टिजेनहरू हुनुपर्छ। अब, ओ पोजेटिभ भएको व्यक्तीले कति जना मानिसलाई रगत दान गर्न सक्दछ?
      When receiving a blood, the recipient must have all the antigens of the donor. If a person has O positive, to how many people he can donate the blood?[1HA]

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