Volume of Cone

Volume of Cone
The text book definition of pyramid and cone can be written as below. Pyramid Cone Pyramid is a solid formed by polygon base and all other triangl…
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SPSS Workshop

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Workshop/Training Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) is a leading and powerful statistical…
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Volume of Pyramid

Volume of Pyramid
A pyramid is a polyhedron with one base that is any polygon . Its other faces are triangles. The volume V of a pyramid is one-third the area of the base B…
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Thesis Formatting

Thesis Formatting
General Formatting Paper Size                                A4 Margin                                      1.5 Inch Left, 1 Inch…
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Proposal Writing Guide Book

Proposal Writing Guide Book
CDED, TU (लगभग 20 पेजको proposal यसरी तयार गर्नुहोस) Chapter I Introduction (≈25% of total pages, say 5) Major text to be covered · Brief overview of …
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Format for M.Ed. Proposal Writing

Format for M.Ed. Proposal Writing
Format for M.Ed. Proposal Writing Title page Table of contents List of tables List of figures Chapter I Introduction Background of the Study Stat…
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Research paradigm

Research paradigm
Research Paradigm मानिसको आ-आफ्नै बिश्वास र सोचाई हुन सक्छन ontology र epistemology लाई Research paradigm को दार्शनिक आधार मानिन्छ। Positivis…
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